Quinn, J. M., B. A. Leybourne, 2010. Jerks as Guiding Influences on the Global Environment: Effects on the Solid Earth, Its
Angular Momentum and Lithospheric Plate Motions, the Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate, AGU Fall Meeting 13-17 Dec. 2010 (A33A-0152)
Fall 2010 AGU San Francisco Presentaion "Jerks as Guiding Influences on the Global Environment: Effects on the Solid Earth,
Its Angular Momentum and Lithospheric Plate Motions, the Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate"
· Vol. 21, No. 7, 2010
Leybourne, B. A., N.C. Smoot, G. P. Gregori, G. Paparo, I. Bhat, 2008 Tectonic Spiral Structures of the Tethyan Vortex Street:
GRACE Geoid Interpretations and African Lightning Teleconnections. International Geological Congress 2008 Oslo, Norway
Leybourne B. A., 25-27 March, 2008, Satellite Analysis of Joule Heating Mechanism Affect on Climate using GRACE Geoid Interpretations,
Earthquakes, Sea Surface Temperature and Lightning Teleconnections, Climate Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Italian Embassy Climate Workshop |

Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Leybourne, B.A., et. al., Gulf of California Electrical Hot-Spot Hypothesis: Climate and Wildfire Teleconnections, New Concepts
in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38, 2005
Leybourne, B. A. and N. C. Smoot, 2005.Tectonic Links to the Global Oscillation System: A Unification Concept of Climate
Modulation by Internal Joule Heating Teleconnections, AGU Chapman Conf. on Tropical-Extratropical Climate Teleconnections,
Leybourne B.A. et. al., 2004, Earthquakes Linked to 2003 European Heat Wave: Implications for Global Warming -Evidence in
the Adriatic and Mediterranean Basins, New Concepts in Global Tectonic Newsletter, 2004
Leybourne, B.A., A. Haas, B. Orr, N.S. Smoot, I. Bhat, D. Lewis, G. Gregori, (July 18-24) 2004a. Electrical wildfire propagation
along geomagnetic anomalies, The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL., pp. 298
Leybourne, B.A., B. Orr, A. Haas, G. Gregori, D. Lewis, P. Gruszinskas, N.S. Smoot, I. Bhat (Aug. 23-28) 2004b. Four elements
of coupled climate: Evidence of an electromagnetic driver for global warming, 32nd Inter. Geological Congress, Florence, Italy.
Leybourne, B.A., Surge theory weighs in on the balance of evidence in the debate on global warming. Global Warming XII Abstracts,
Cambridge, UK, World Resource Review, pp 167-188, June 2002.
Geostream Surge Theory Poster
Leybourne, B.A., and M.B. Adams, El Nino tectonic modulation in the Pacific Basin. Marine Technology Society Oceans 01 Conference
Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 2001.
Leybourne, B.A., and M.B. Adams, 1999, Modeling mantle dynamics in the Banda Sea triple junction: Exploring a possible link
to El Nino Southern Oscillation. Marine Technology Society Oceans 99 Conference Proceedings, Seattle, Washington, pp. 955-966.
Leybourne B.A., Surge Theory Vs. Plate Theory: El Nino Has The Last Word - A Theoretical Discussion of The Driving Forces
Behind El Nino, New Concepts in Global Tectonics conference proceedings at Tuskba Research Center, Japan, Nov 1998. And New
Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, 1999, Mar., No. 10, p. 19-32
Smoot N.C. and B.A. Leybourne, (1997). The South Adriatic basin: a vortex structure on the world-encircling vortex street,
Mar. Tech. Soc. Jour. 31 (2), 21-35.